"The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!"

-Ansel Adams


Any and everything you could think of that has people in it! Aside from events, that is. This could be a large family photo session, senior photos, a pick-me-up shoot to make yourself feel good, a couples shoot, a best friends shoot, engagements (ESPECIALLY surprise ones!), boudoir (yes, men can get in on this too!), you name it! Get into the creative side and I could go on for pages, but you get the idea. I'm up for any and everything to capture whatever moments with your favorite people!

Sessions starting at $150


This category is pretty self-explanatory! Anything that has to do with live music, one band, two bands, 3+ bands, I'm ALL in (with preferably a few days heads-up!) I've always loved getting behind my camera for the sake of live music and helping spread the local love to our musicians who may not have too many options to get photos on them on stage (that aren't drunkenly taken by fans, that is!)

Packages starting at $300


For everything that isn't live music, but is a large gathering of people you'd like a photographer to come out to! A family reunion, a vow renewal, a birthday party, bachelorette or bachelor party, any sort of event that doesn't fall under the music category!

Packages starting at $350



This is one of my favorite categories. I'm a huge romantic and absolutely love nothing more than to capture special and intimate moments like weddings and elopements. If I could do this for a living, solely weddings and/or elopements, I would be just as happy as I would if I were a concert photographer. There's something special about weddings and elopements that just have this pull on my soul. To capture those candid moments and the loving looks is just a different level of special.

Packages starting at $500